About Solis

Central to cohesive and non-discriminatory education within Europe is the core objective of social inclusion; being undermined by a lack of understanding of conflict-related immigration, wider migration, disability and different ideals – such as tensions created by the Brexit debate.

SOLIS is about creating a sense of belonging and a right to be included, whatever the student background, by exploring the nexus of wellbeing, inclusion and diversity to eliminate bullying and reduce early school leavers that continue to be excluded within future employment opportunities – identified in European Commission 2020 strategies for reducing share of early school leavers under 10%, leading to increased employment. The SOLIS project is a whole school approach, to develop a wide-scope e-learning platform with modules addressing core challenges within cultural diversity and discrimination, no matter the reason, helping students increase empathy for their differences and understanding of common ground, through interactive and collaborative activities such as digital storytelling.

The second digital output of the project is a mobile-friendly web platform, acting as an online portal to train the teachers to best facilitate the SOLIS modules and activities, with the help of a rich resource of case studies and videos of pilot sessions. The aim of this portal is to create excellence in facilitating, sustaining and growing the project beyond pilot areas. Together these tools work to provide a framework whereby students can, in collaboration, share their story with their peers in a safe and stimulating environment, seeing diversity as positive and ultimately increasing wellbeing of all students.

This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union